Monday, October 12, 2015

Prepaid cell phone

Prepaid cell phone protects the privacy. Unlike others, Prepaid cell phone can be used without any record and track. So, it avoids the private information will be leaked, like the position. And also, people don't worry any others know what they talked in phone.

However, I think it should be banned because it is unnecessary. Now, people not only use cell phones a lot, they also use other technological devices and app, like laptop and WeChat. Those also leak your personal information, but you can't never use them. So, only using prepaid cell phone service isn't helpful to protect the privacy.

In addition, the prepaid service is beneficial to increase the rate of crime. The criminals can utilize the service to  communicate with their partners without any clue. The government or police is hard to find where the criminals meet and what they did. So, in general, the service is not only useless, and it is also harmful to the society. I think that should be banned.


  1. I have the same opinion with you. Prepaid cell phones are unnecessary and useless, because all it bring to us is disadvantages and threats.

  2. I have the same opinion with you. Prepaid cell phones are unnecessary and useless, because all it bring to us is disadvantages and threats.
